Wow, how quickly time flies when you are having fun! I cannot believe it was 6 years ago this week that Rollin' Vets (known as South by South Vets at that time) saw its first patient!! It seems like only yesterday that we started rollin’ down the streets of Houston, but we have also seen SO many changes in that time. We have had some sad losses and some amazing successes. We have moved locations, changed our name, and had some unbelievably unexpected disappointments. But we have also seen so much growth in our staff, our fleet, and our overall presence in the area that I could not be prouder of the team that has stuck with us through thick and thin! So much has changed, but one thing has not - our mission to provide the best in class patient care and most excellent customer service anywhere!

“This moment of reflection about where we started, from patient number 1 on January 16, 2016 to patient number 11,751 on January 16, 2022, and where we are going - The Woodlands, Austin, and Dallas - seems surreal and at the same time so real.”
— Dr. Katie Eick
We have built a company that truly cares about our patients, our clients, and our employees. We are moving into uncharted territory with our growth as a mobile practice, and that is so exciting!! I am so proud of the fact that we can practice the absolute highest quality medicine while saving so much stress on our patients and their owners. I knew this dream would come alive and it has been so rewarding to watch it grow and to know that we are helping people and their pets every single day!
“When I think back on how things have changed and what I have learned along the way, there just is not much I would change. Every step has been valuable in its own way, even when those steps seemed so big that we could not make them.”
— Dr. Katie Eick
The thing I want to say on this day, our 6th anniversary, is that I cannot thank my staff and ALL of our clients enough for believing in us, our mission to help, and in our future. I cannot wait to see what the next 6 years brings to Rockin' Pets, Rollin' Vets!
— Dr. Katie Eick