Doctor Leslie Jenkins
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Leslie Jenkins brings over 15 years of veterinarian experience
to our team. During her time in lab animal medicine, Leslie held
roles in the following areas: personnel and project management,
talent recruitment and retention, development of standard operating
procedures, generation of budgets for sponsored research projects
and grants, and she served as the single point of contact for GLP
projects. She also served as a voting member of the IACUC.
Her daily responsibilities included the clinical care of various
laboratory animal species including, but not limited to, rodents,
zebra finches, zebrafish, swine, dogs, rabbits, small ruminants, and
non-human primates. She worked closely with the research staff
providing support for grant submissions and manuscripts. She also
supported their work by providing expert clinical care and surgical
services to help develop their experimental models.